Agyrtes longulus | Primitive carrion beetle | Insecta | Agyrtidae | P |
Apteroloma caraboides | Primitive carrion beetle | Insecta | Agyrtidae | C |
Apteroloma tenuicorne | Primitive carrion beetle | Insecta | Agyrtidae | P |
Ipelates latus | Primitive carrion beetle | Insecta | Agyrtidae | P |
Pteroloma nebrioides | Primitive carrion beetle | Insecta | Agyrtidae | TBD |
Amphizoa insolens | Trout-stream beetle, troutstream beetle | Insecta | Amphizoidae | P |
Amphizoa lecontei | Trout-stream beetle, troutstream beetle | Insecta | Amphizoidae | TBD |
Amphizoa striata | Trout-stream beetle, troutstream beetle | Insecta | Amphizoidae | P |
Anthicus sp. | Ant-like flower beetle | Insecta | Anthicidae | P |
Ischyropalpus sp. | Ant-like flower beetle | Insecta | Anthicidae | TBD |
Notoxus sp. | Hooded Antlike flower beetle | Insecta | Anthicidae | C |
Pergetus campanulatus | Fire-coloured beetle | Insecta | Anthicidae | P |
Stereopalpus sp. | Fire-colored beetle | Insecta | Anthicidae | TBD |
Merhynchites bicolor | Rose Curculio | Insecta | Attelabidae | C |
Merhynchites wickhami | Western Rose Curculio | Insecta | Attelabidae | P |
Lyctus sp. | Powder-post beetle | Insecta | Bostrichidae | TBD |
Apion sp. | Straight-snouted weevil | Insecta | Brentidae | M |
Rhopalapion longirostre | Hollyhock Weevil | Insecta | Brentidae | TBD |
Acmaeodera idahoensis | Jewel beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Agrilus sp. | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Anthaxia aeneogaster | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Anthaxia caseyi pseudotsugae | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Anthaxia inornata | Dandelion Anthaxia Beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Anthaxia sp. | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | TBD |
Buprestis aurulenta | Golden Buprestid Beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Buprestis laeviventris | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Buprestis langii | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Buprestis lyrata | Pink-faced Jewel Beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Buprestis maculativentris | Spotted-belly Buprestid Beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Buprestis nutalli | Nuttall's Buprestid Beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Buprestis sp. | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Chalcophora angulicollis | Western Sculptured Pine Borer | Insecta | Buprestidae | C |
Chalcophora virginiensis | Sculptured Pine Borer | Insecta | Buprestidae | TBD |
Chrysobothris sp. | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Chrysophana placida | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | TBD |
Dicerca sp. | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Melanophila acuminata | Black Fire Beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Phaenops drummondi | Drummond's Flathead Fir Borer | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Phaenops lecontei | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | TBD |
Poecilonota sp. | Metallic wood-boring beetle | Insecta | Buprestidae | P |
Arctobyrrhus subcanus | Pill beetle | Insecta | Byrrhidae | P |
Byrrhus eximius | Kirby's Pill Beetle | Insecta | Byrrhidae | P |
Byrrhus kirbyi | Superb Pill Beetle | Insecta | Byrrhidae | P |
Cytilus alternatus | Pill beetle, moss beetle | Insecta | Byrrhidae | P |
Eusomalia lecontei | Pill beetle, moss beetle | Insecta | Byrrhidae | TBD |
Morychus oblongus | Pill beetle, moss beetle | Insecta | Byrrhidae | TBD |
Byturus unicolor | Raspberry Fruitworm Beetle | Insecta | Byturidae | P |
Cantharis sp. | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | P |
Dichelotarsus excursus excursus | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | P |
Dichelotarsus sp. | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | TBD |
Malthodes sp. | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | P |
Podabrus pruinosus | Downy Leather-winged Beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | P |
Podabrus sp. | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | P |
Rhagonycha sp. | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | TBD |
Silis sp. | Soldier beetle | Insecta | Cantharidae | P |
Acupalpus sp. | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonoleptus conjunctus | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum anchomenoides | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Agonum bicolor | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Agonum corvus | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum cupripenne | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum decorum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum ferruginosum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Agonum gratiosum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum harrisii | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Agonum lutulentum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum melanarium | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Agonum muelleri | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum nigriceps | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum piceolum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum placidum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Agonum propinquum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum retractum | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum sp. | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum suturale | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Agonum thoreyi | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara aenea | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara apricaria | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara confusa | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara convexa | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara discors | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara ellipsis | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara erratica | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara familiaris | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara farcta | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Amara idahoana | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara lacustris | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Amara laevipennis | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara latior | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Amara littoralis | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Amara obesa | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amara quenseli quenseli | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Amara scitula | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Amara sp. | Sun beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Amerizus sp. | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Anisodactylus binotatus | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Anisodactylus nigrita | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Anisodactylus similis | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Anisodactylus sp. | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Badister neopulchellus | Colorful foliage ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Badister sp. | Colorful foliage ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion complanulum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion concolor | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion concretum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion curtulatum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion dyschirinum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion fortestriatum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Bembidion gebleri turbatum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion incrematum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion interventor | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion iridescens | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion kuprianovii | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion mutatum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion nebraskense | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion nigripes | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion obscurellum obscurellum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion patruele | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion petrosum petrosum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion planatum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion platynoides | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Bembidion quadrifoveolatum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion quadrimaculatum dubitans | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion quadrulum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion rupicola | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion sp. | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion transparens | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion transversale | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bembidion umbratum | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Bembidion versicolor | Round sand beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Blethisa sp. | American dimunitive tiger beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Brachinus sp. | Bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bradycellus lecontei | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bradycellus politus | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Bradycellus sp. | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Calathus advena | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Calathus fuscipes | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Calathus ingratus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Calosoma calidum | Fiery Hunter Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Calosoma cancellatum | Caterpillar hunter beetle, Caterpillar-hunter beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Calosoma luxatum | Caterpillar hunter beetle, Caterpillar-hunter beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Calosoma tepidum | Beautiful Black Searcher | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Calosoma wilkesii | Caterpillar hunter beetle, Caterpillar-hunter beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Carabus granulatus granulatus | Granulated Carabid, Granulated Ground Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Carabus nemoralis nemoralis | Bronze Ground Beetle, Bronze Carabid, European Ground Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Carabus taedatus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Chlaenius sericeus | Green Pubescent Ground Beetle, Green Ground Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Chlaenius sp. | Vivid metallic ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cicindela decemnotata meriwetheri | Badlands Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cicindela depressula depressula | Dispirited Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Cicindela duodecimguttata | Twelve-spotted Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Cicindela hirticollis couleensis | Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cicindela longilabris | Boreal Long-lipped Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Cicindela nebraskana nebraskana | Prairie Long-lipped Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cicindela oregona | Western Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Cicindela parowana wallisi | Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle, Wallis' Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | E |
Cicindela pugetana | Sagebrush Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cicindela purpurea | Purple Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Cicindela repanda repanda | Bronzed Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cicindela tranquebarica | Oblique-lined Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Clivina oregona | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Cymindis planipennis | Flat-horned ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Dicheirotrichus cognatus | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Dicheirus piceus | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Diplocheila striatopunctata | Colorful foliage ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Diplous aterrimus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Diplous californicus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Discoderus parallelus | False bombardier beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Dyschirius sp. | Pedunculate ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Elaphropus sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Elaphrus americanus | Marsh ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Elaphrus californicus | California Marsh and Bog Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Elaphrus clairvillei | Marsh ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Elaphrus sp. | Marsh ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Gehringia olympica | Marsh ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Harpalus affinis | Metallic Harpalus | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Harpalus amputatus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Harpalus fraternus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Harpalus fuscipalpis | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Harpalus nigritarsis | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Harpalus opacipennis | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Harpalus somnulentus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Harpalus sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Lebia moesta | Colorful foliage ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Lebia sp. | Colorful foliage ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Lebia viridis | Flower Lebia Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Leistus ferruginosus | Vivid metallic ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Lionepha erasa | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Lionepha sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Loricera sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Mioptachys flavicauda | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Nebria crassicornis | Gazelle beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Nebria hudsonica | Gazelle beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Nebria mannerheimii | Gazelle beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Nebria obliqua | Gazelle beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Nebria sahlbergii sahlbergii | Alps Ground Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Nebria sp. | Gazelle beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Nomius pygmaeus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Notiophilus directus | Big-eyed beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Notiophilus sp. | Big-eyed beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Omophron ovale | Oval Round Sand Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Opisthius richardsoni | Richardson's False Marsh and Bog Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Oxypselaphus pusillus | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Parvindela terricola imperfecta | Variable Tiger Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Patrobus fossifrons | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Patrobus longicornis | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Patrobus stygicus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Philophuga viridis amoena | Colorful foliage ground beetle, Metallic Green Harp Ground Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Phrypeus rickseckeri | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Platynus decentis | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Poecilus lucublandus | Woodland ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Pterostichus adstrictus | Upland Blackclock | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Pterostichus hudsonicus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Pterostichus lama | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Pterostichus luctuosus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Pterostichus melanarius | Rain-Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Pterostichus neobrunneus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Pterostichus riparius | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Pterostichus sp. | Woodland ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Scaphinotus angusticollis | Narrow-collared Snail-eating Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Scaphinotus marginatus | Margined Snail-eating Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | C |
Scaphinotus relictus | Relic Snail-eating Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Scaphinotus sp. | Snail-eating beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Schizogenius sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Sericoda sp. | Long-necked ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Stenolophus anceps | Seedcorn beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Stenolophus conjunctus | Seedcorn beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Stenolophus fuliginosus | Seedcorn beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | TBD |
Syntomus americanus | Flat-horned ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Synuchus impunctatus | Western false-form beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Tachyta sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Trechus chalybeus | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Trechus sp. | Ground beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Zacotus matthewsii | Matthews' Angry Gnashing Beetle | Insecta | Carabidae | P |
Acanthocinus obliquus | Ponderosa Pine Bark Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Acanthocinus princeps | Ponderosa Pine Bark Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Acmaeops pratensis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Acmaeops proteus proteus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Anastrangalia laetifica | Dimorphic Flower Long-horned Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Anastrangalia sanguinea | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Arhopalus asperatus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Arhopalus foveicollis | Pitted Long-horned Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Arhopalus productus | New House Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Asemum caseyi | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Asemum nitidum | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Asemum striatum | Black Spruce Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Atimia dorsalis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Callidium antennatum hesperum | Blackhorned Pine Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Callidium cicatricosum | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Callidium hoppingi | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Centrodera spurca | Yellow Douglas Fir Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Clytus planifrons | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Cortodera longicornis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Cortodera subpilosa | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Crossidius punctatus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Desmocerus aureipennis | Golden-winged Elderberry Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Dicentrus bluthneri | Oak Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Etorofus obliteratus | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Etorofus plagiferus | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Etorofus propinquus | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Evodinus vancouveri | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Grammoptera molybidica | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Grammoptera subargentata | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Haplidus testaceus | Oak Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Holopleura marginata | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Hyperplatys aspersa | Flat-faced long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Judolia instabilis | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Judolia montivagans | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Lepturobosca chrysocoma | Yellow Velvet Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Lepturopsis dolorosa | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Mecas bicallosa | Flat-faced long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Megasemum asperum | Elderberry Longhorn Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Molorchus longicollis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Monochamus clamator latus | Spotted Pine Sawyer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Monochamus notatus | Northern Pine Sawyer Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Monochamus obtusus | Sawyer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Monochamus scutellatus | Spruce Sawyer, White-spotted Sawyer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Neanthophylax mirificus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Necydalis diversicollis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Necydalis laevicollis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Neoclytus balteatus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Neoclytus muricatulus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Neospondylis upiformis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Ortholeptura valida | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Pachyta lamed liturata | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Phymatodes dimidiatus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Phymatodes hirtellus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Phymatodes nitidus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Phymatodes sp. | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Phymatodes vulneratus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Pidonia scripta | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Poecilobrium chalybeum | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Pogonocherus mixtus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Pogonocherus penicillatus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Pogonocherus pictus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Poliaenus oregonus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Prionus californicus | California Root Borer Beetle, California Prionus | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Pronocera collaris collaris | American Redneck Long-horned Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Pseudogaurotina cressoni cressoni | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Pygoleptura carbonata | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Pygoleptura nigrella nigrella | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Rhagium inquisitor | Ribbed Pine Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Rosalia funebris | Banded Alder Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Saperda calcarata | Poplar Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Saperda populnea | Small Poplar Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Semanotus litigiosus | Firtree Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Stenocorus nubifer | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Stenocorus obtusus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Stenostrophia tribalteata | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Stictoleptura canadensis cribripennis | Red-shouldered Pine Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Strophiona laeta | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Synaphaeta guexi | Spotted Tree Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Tetraopes femoratus | Red-femured Milkweed Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Tetropium sp. | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Toxoleptura vexatrix | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Trachysida aspera | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Tragosoma harrisii | Hairy Pine Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Trichocnemis spiculatus spiculatus | Spined Woodborer, Ponderous Borer | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Xestoleptura behrensi | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | TBD |
Xestoleptura crassicornis | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Xestoleptura crassipes | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | C |
Xestoleptura tibialis | Flower long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Xylotrechus annosus emotus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Xylotrechus mormonus | Long-horned beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Xylotrechus undulatus | Spruce Zebra Beetle | Insecta | Cerambycidae | P |
Acanthoscelides sp. | Bean weevil | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Altica ambiens | Alder Flea Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Altica bimarginata | Metallic flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Altica corni | Metallic flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Altica probata | Rose Flea Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Altica sp. | Metallic flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Altica tombacina | Metallic flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Anisostena sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Aphthona sp. | Spurge flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Bromius obscurus | Western Grape Rootworm | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Bruchidius cisti | Bean weevil, seed weevil | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Bruchidius villosus | Broom Seed Beetle, Scotch Broom Bruchid | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Bruchus brachialis | Vetch Bruchid | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Calligrapha californica | Coreopsis Beetle, Tickseed Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Calligrapha multipunctata | Common Willow Calligrapha, Common Willow Calligrapher Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Calligrapha sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Cassida rubiginosa | Thistle Tortoise Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Chaetocnema sp. | Skeletonizing leaf and flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Charidotella sexpunctata bicolor | Golden Tortoise Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Chrysochus auratus | Dogbane Leaf Beetle, Dogbane Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Chrysochus cobaltinus | Blue Milkweed Beetle, Cobalt Milkweed Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Chrysolina hyperici | St. John's Wort Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Chrysolina sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Chrysomela aeneicollis | Willow Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Chrysomela mainensis | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Chrysomela scripta | Cottonwood Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Chrysomela sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Crepidodera sp. | Studded flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Crioceris asparagi | Asparagus Beetle, Common Asparagus Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Crioceris duodecimpunctata | Twelve-spotted Asparagus Beetle, Spotted Asparagus Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Cryptocephalus sp. | Case-bearing leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Diabrotica virgifera | Western Corn Rootworm Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Diachus sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Disonycha alternata | Striped Willow Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Disonycha sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Donacia sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Entomoscelis americana | Red Turnip Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Epitrix subcrinita | Western Potato Flea Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Epitrix tuberis | Tuber Flea Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Galeruca rudis | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Galerucella calmariensis | Black-margined Loosestrife Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Galerucella nymphaeae | Water-lily Beetle, Waterlily Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Glyptoscelis albida | Aquatic leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Glyptoscelis sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Gonioctena sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Hippuriphila sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Leptinotarsa decemlineata | Colorado Potato Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Longitarsus sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Microrhopala vittata | Goldenrod Leaf Miner Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Monoxia sp. | Leaf beetle, skeletonizing leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Ophraella sp. | Skeletonizing leaf and flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Oulema melanopus | Cereal leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Pachybrachis sp. | Scriptured leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Phaedon sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Phratora sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Phyllotreta albionica | Flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Phyllotreta sp. | Flea beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Phyllotreta striolata | Striped Flea Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Plateumaris sp. | Aquatic leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Prasocuris sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Pyrrhalta viburni | Viburnum Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Saxinis sauci | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Scelolyperus sp. | Leaf beetle, skeletonizing leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Sumitrosis inaequalis | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Syneta hamata | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Syneta pilosa | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Syneta simplex | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Tricholochmaea punctipennis | Pacific Willow Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Trirhabda canadensis | Goldenrod Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | P |
Trirhabda sp. | Skeletonizing leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Xanthogaleruca luteola | Elm Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | C |
Zeugophera sp. | Leaf beetle | Insecta | Chrysomelidae | TBD |
Cis sp. | Shelf fungus beetle, minute tree-fungus beetle | Insecta | Ciidae | P |
Calyptomerus oblongulus | Minute beetle | Insecta | Clambidae | C |
Clambus sp. | Minute beetle | Insecta | Clambidae | TBD |
Enoclerus eximius | Checkered beetle | Insecta | Cleridae | C |
Enoclerus sp. | Checkered beetle | Insecta | Cleridae | TBD |
Enoclerus sphegeus | Red-bellied Clerid | Insecta | Cleridae | P |
Necrobia violacea | Blue Bone Beetle, Violet Checkered Beetle | Insecta | Cleridae | P |
Phyllobaenus sp. | Checkered beetle | Insecta | Cleridae | TBD |
Trichodes ornatus hartwegianus | Ornate Checkered Beetle | Insecta | Cleridae | C |
Adalia bipunctata | Two-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Anatis mali | Eye-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Anatis rathvoni | Flying Saucer Lady Beetle, Rathvon's Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Anisosticta bitriangularis | Marsh Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Brachiacantha uteella | Spurleg lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Calvia quatuordecimguttata | Lady beetle, Cream-spotted Ladybird | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Chilocorus bipustulatus | Heather Ladybird, Heather Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Chilocorus stigma | Twice-stabbed Ladybug | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Chilocorus tricyclus | Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Coccinella californica f. johnsoni | California Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Coccinella hieroglyphica | Hieroglypic Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Coccinella monticola | Mountain Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | TBD |
Coccinella novemnotata | Nine-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Coccinella prolongata prolongata | Prolongate Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Coccinella septempunctata | Seven-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Coccinella transversoguttata | Transverse Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Coccinella trifasciata | Three-banded Ladybird, Three-banded Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Cycloneda polita | Western Blood-red Lady Beetle, Western Polished Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Didion sp. | Lady beetle, Cream-spotted Ladybird | Insecta | Coccinellidae | TBD |
Exochomus quadripustulatus | Pine Ladybird | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Harmonia axyridis | Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Asian Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Hippodamia apicalis | Oblong lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hippodamia caseyi | Casey's Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Hippodamia convergens | Convergent Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Hippodamia expurgata | Expurgate Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hippodamia glacialis glacialis | Glacial Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hippodamia moesta bowditchi | Sorrowful Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Hippodamia oregonensis | Oregon Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hippodamia parenthesis | Parenthesis Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hippodamia quinquesignata | American Five-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Hippodamia sinuata | Sinuate Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hippodamia tredecempunctata tibialis | Thirteen-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hyperaspidius vittigerus | Amber Lady Beetle, small pied lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | TBD |
Hyperaspis lateralis | Lateral Sigil Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hyperaspis oregona | Sigil lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hyperaspis postica | Sigil lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Hyperaspis quadrivittata | Sigil lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | TBD |
Hyperaspis undulata | Undulate Sigil Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Macronaemia episcopalis | Episcopal Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Mulsantina picta | Painted Lady Beetle, Painted Ladybird | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Myzia interrupta | Broken-dashed Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Myzia subvittata | Subvittate Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Psyllobora borealis | Western Fairy Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Psyllobora vigintimaculata | Twenty-spotted Lady Beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Scymnus calaveras | Dusky lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | TBD |
Scymnus caurinas | Dusky lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Scymnus lacustris | Dusky lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Scymnus marginicollis | Dusky lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Scymnus sp. | Dusky lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | P |
Stethorus punctillum | Mite-destroying lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | TBD |
Stethorus punctum picipes | Mite-destroying lady beetle | Insecta | Coccinellidae | C |
Antherophagus sp. | Silken fungus beetle, hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Cryptophagidae | TBD |
Atomaria sp. | Silken fungus beetle, hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Cryptophagidae | P |
Caenoscelis sp. | Silken fungus beetle, hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Cryptophagidae | TBD |
Cryptolestes sp. | Silken fungus beetle, hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Cryptophagidae | P |
Cryptophagus sp. | Silken fungus beetle, hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Cryptophagidae | P |
Cucujus clavipes puniceus | Red Flat Bark Beetle | Insecta | Cucujidae | P |
Pediacus depressus | Flat bark beetle | Insecta | Cucujidae | TBD |
Pediacus fuscus | Flat bark beetle | Insecta | Cucujidae | TBD |
Priacma serrata | Priacma Bleach Beetle | Insecta | Cupedidae | C |
Acalyptus carpini | Minute seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Acanthoscelidius acephalus | Minute seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Anthonomus hirtus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Anthonomus melancholicus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Anthonomus quadrigibbus | Apple Curculio | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Anthonomus sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Anthonomus squamosus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Bagous sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Bangasternus fausti | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Barypeithes pellucidus | Hairy Spider Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Brachypera zoilus | Clover Leaf Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Ceutorhynchus erysimi | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Ceutorhynchus neglectus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Ceutorhynchus obstrictus | Cabbage Seedpod Weevil, Cabbage Seed Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Ceutorhynchus sp. | Minute seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Cosmobaris scolopacea | Beet Petiole Borer | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Cossonus crenatus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Cossonus pacificus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Cossonus piniphilus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Cryptorhynchus lapathi | Poplar-and-willow Borer | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Cylindrocopturus sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Cyphocleonus achates | Knapweed Root Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Dendroctonus ponderosae | Mountain Pine Beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Dendroctonus pseudotsugae | Douglas-Fir Beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Dendroctonus rufipennis | Spruce Bark Beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Dorytomus sp. | Willow weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Dryocoetes sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Dyslobus alternatus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Dyslobus bakeri | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Dyslobus granicollis | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Dyslobus luteus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Dyslobus verrucifer | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Glocianus punctiger | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Hylastes nigrinus | Red Fir Root Borer | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Hylobius sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Hylurgops sp. | Crenulate bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Hypera nigrirostris | Lesser Clover Leaf Weevil, Black-beaked Green Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Hypera postica | Alfalfa Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Hypera sp. | Cocoon weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Ips sp. | Engraver beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Larinus carlinae | Canada Thistle Bud Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Larinus minutus | Lesser Knapweed Flower Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Larinus obtusus | Lesser Knapweed Flower Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Lechriops californica | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Lepesoma sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | M |
Lepidophorus pumilus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Lepyrus oregonus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Lepyrus sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Listronotus sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Lixus rubellus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Magdalis aenescens | Bronze Apple Tree Weevil, Bronze Appletree Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Magdalis gracilis | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Magdalis lecontei decepta | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Magdalis sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Mecinus janthiniformis | Dalmatian Toadflax Stem Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Mecinus janthinus | Toadflax Stem Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | M |
Mecinus pyraster | Stem weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Mogulones crucifer | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Nemocestes sp. | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Omias saccatus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Ophryastes cinerascens | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Orchestes sp. | Flea weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Orthotomicus latidens | Smaller Western Pine Engraver | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Otiorhynchus ovatus | Strawberry Root Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Otiorhynchus raucus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Otiorhynchus rugostriatus | Rough Strawberry Root Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Otiorhynchus singularis | Clay-coloured Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Otiorhynchus sulcatus | Black Vine Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Pachyrhinus californicus | Rusty Pine Needle Weevil, Rusty Pineneedle Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Pachyrhinus elegans | Pine needle weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Panscopus ovalis | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Panscopus sp. | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Panscopus torpidus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Pelenomus sp. | Minute seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Phloeosinus sp. | Crenulate bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Phyllobius intrusus | Arborvitae weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Phyllobius oblongus | Brown Leaf Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Phyllotrox sp. | Nut and acorn weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Pissodes affinis | Conifer weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Pissodes fasciatus | Douglas Fir Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Pissodes sp. | Pine weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Pissodes strobi | White Pine Weevil, Engelmann Spruce Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Pityogenes sp. | Typical bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Pityokteines sp. | Typical bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Pityophthorus sp. | Typical bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Polydrusus formosus | Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Polydrusus impressifrons | Pale Green Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Proctorus decipiens | Nut and acorn weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Pseudips mexicanus | Cedar bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Pseudohylesinus sp. | Crenulate bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Rhinocyllus conicus | Nodding Thistle Receptacle Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Rhinoncus pyrrhopus | Minute seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Rhinoncus sp. | Minute seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Rhinusa antirrhini | Toadflax Seed Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Rhinusa neta | Seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Rhinusa tetra | Mullein Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Rhyncolus sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Romualdius scaber | Crusted Root Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Schaphomorphus sp. | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Sciaphilus asperatus | Dark-eyed Root Weevil, Strawberry Root Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Scolytus sp. | Typical bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sitona cylindricus | Sweetclover Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sitona hispidulus | Clover Root Curculio, Clover Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Sitona lepidus | Clover Root Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sitona lineatus | Pea Leaf Weevil, Pea Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sitona lineellus | Alfalfa Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sitophilus granarius | Wheat Weevil, Granary Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sphenophorus aequalis aequalis | Claycolored Billbug Weevil, Clay-colored Billbug | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Sphenophorus cicatristriatus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Sphenophorus parvulus | Wheat Weevil, Granary Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Sphenophorus sp. | Bluegrass Billbug Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Strophosoma melanogrammum | Nut leaf weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | C |
Trichalophus alternatus | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Trichalophus sp. | Broad-nosed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Trichosirocalus horridus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Trypodendron sp. | Typical bark beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | TBD |
Tychius linneelus | Weevil, snout beetle | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Tychius meliloti | Sweet Clover Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Tychius picirostris | Clover seed weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Tychius stephensi | Red Clover Seed Weevil | Insecta | Curculionidae | P |
Anthrenus lepidus | Carpet beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | C |
Anthrenus verbasci | Varied Carpet Beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | C |
Attagenus unicolor | Black carpet beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Dermestes lardarius | Larder Beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | C |
Dermestes marmoratus | Common Carrion Dermestid | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Dermestes signatus | Common Carrion Dermestid | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Dermestes sp. | Common Carrion Beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | TBD |
Dermestes talpinus | Hide and Tallow Dermestid | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Megatoma sp. | Carpet beetle, skin beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Megatoma variegata | Carpet beetle, skin beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Orphilus subnitidus | Carpet beetle, skin beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | C |
Trogoderma sp. | Skin beetle | Insecta | Dermestidae | P |
Laricobius nigrinus | Tooth-necked fungus beetle | Insecta | Derodontidae | P |
Acilius abbreviatus | Abbreviated Predaceous Diving Beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Agabus austinii | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Agabus lutosus | Predaceous diving beetle, river beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Agabus obliteratus nectris | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Agabus phaeopterus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Agabus sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Agabus strigulosus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Agabus tristis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Boreonectes griseostriatus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Colymbetes densus densus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Colymbetes exaratus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Colymbetes paykulli | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Colymbetes sculptilis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Coptotomus longulus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Deuteronectes angustior | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Dytiscus cordieri | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Dytiscus hatchi | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Dytiscus sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Graphoderus liberus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Graphoderus occidentalis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Graphoderus perplexus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Hydaticus aruspex | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Hydroporus mannerheimi | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Hydroporus sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Hygrotus impresseopunctatus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Hygrotus masculinus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Hygrotus obscureplagiatus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Hygrotus sayi | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Hygrotus sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Hygrotus tumidiventris | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Hygrotus turbidus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Hygrotus unguicularis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Ilybiosoma seriatum | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Ilybius erichsoni | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Ilybius fraterculus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Ilybius sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Laccornis pacificus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Leconectes striatellus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Liodessus obscurellus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Nebrioporus sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Nectoporus congruus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Nectoporus crassulus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Neoporus superioris | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Oreodytes obesus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Oreodytes scitulus | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Oreodytes snoqualmie | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Oreodytes sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Rhantus binotatus | Double-marked Swimming Beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Rhantus consimilis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Rhantus frontalis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Rhantus gutticollis | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | P |
Rhantus sericans | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | C |
Sanfilippodytes sp. | Predaceous diving beetle | Insecta | Dytiscidae | TBD |
Acteniceromorphus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Aeolus mellillus | Sweet Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Agriotes apicalis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Agriotes criddlei | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Agriotes ferrugineipennis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Agriotes lineatus | Lined Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Agriotes sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Agriotes thevenetii | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Alaus melanops | Western Eyed Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Ampedus melinus | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Ampedus pullus | Chick Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Ampedus rhodopus | Chick Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Ampedus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Ampedus varipilis | Castle Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Anostirus bipunctatus | Glowing Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Athous nigropilis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Athous rufiventris | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Athous sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Brownia sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Campylomorphus serricornis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Cardiophorus edwardsi | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Cardiophorus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Corymbitodes sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Ctenicera sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | M |
Dalopius sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Danosoma brevicorne | Short-horned Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Eanus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Ex-ctenicera sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Gambrinus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Gambrinus veneblesi | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Hadromorphus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Hemicrepidius sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Horistonotus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Hypnoidus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Hypoganus diversicolor | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Idolus columbiana | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Idolus debilis | Click beetle, brown wireworm | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Idolus occidentalis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Lacon sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Limonius canus | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Limonius consimilis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Limonius sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Liotrichus umbripennis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Megapenthes nigriventris | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Megapenthes sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Megapenthes tartareus | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Melanotus longulus oregonensis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Negastrius sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Neohypdonus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Neopristilophus maurus | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Nitidolimonius resplendens | Resplendent Click Beetle, Green Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Proludius sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Prosternon bombycinum | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Prosternon viduum | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Pseudanostirus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Selatosomus aeripennis | Sapphire-winged Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Selatosomus semimetallicus | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Selatosomus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | P |
Sericus incongruus | Strange Click Beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Setasomus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Stropenron nigricollis | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | C |
Stropenron sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Sylvanelater sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Tesolasomus sp. | Click beetle | Insecta | Elateridae | TBD |
Heterlimnius corpulentus | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | P |
Heterlimnius koebelei | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | P |
Narpus concolor | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | P |
Optioservus divergens | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | P |
Optioservus quadrimaculatus | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | C |
Optioservus seriatus | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | C |
Zaitzevia parvula | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | C |
Zaitzevia posthonia | Riffle beetle | Insecta | Elmidae | C |
Aphorista laeta | Handsome fungus beetle | Insecta | Endomychidae | P |
Lycoperdina ferruginea | Handsome fungus beetle | Insecta | Endomychidae | P |
Mycetina idahoensis | Handsome fungus beetle | Insecta | Endomychidae | C |
Dacne californica | Pleasing fungus beetle | Insecta | Erotylidae | P |
Triplax californica | Pleasing fungus beetle | Insecta | Erotylidae | C |
Anelastes drurii | False click beetle | Insecta | Eucinetidae | C |
Dromaeolus basalis | False click beetle | Insecta | Eucinetidae | P |
Eucinetus haemorrhoidalis | Plate-thigh beetle | Insecta | Eucinetidae | TBD |
Nycteus sp. | Plate-thigh beetle | Insecta | Eucinetidae | TBD |
Gyrinus affinis | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Gyrinus bifarius | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Gyrinus confinis | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | TBD |
Gyrinus consobrinus | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Gyrinus hoppingi | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | TBD |
Gyrinus minutus | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | TBD |
Gyrinus pectoralis | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Gyrinus picipes | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Gyrinus sayi | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Heterocerus tristis | Sad Mud-loving Beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Lanternarius brunneus | Brown Mud-loving Beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Lanternarius gemmatus | Variegated Mud-loving Beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Neoheterocerus gnatho | Variegated Mud-loving Beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Odonteus obesus | Earth-boring Scarab Beetle | Insecta | Geotrupidae | P |
Gyrinus sp. | Whirlgig beetle | Insecta | Gyrinidae | P |
Brychius hornii | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus apicalis | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus cribrarius | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus distinctus | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus fulvus | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus immaculicollis | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus leechi | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus sp. | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Haliplus stagninus | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | TBD |
Peltodytes callosus | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | P |
Peltodytes sp. | Crawling water beetle | Insecta | Haliplidae | TBD |
Heterocerus sp. | Brown mud-loving beetle, variegated mud-loving beetle | Insecta | Heteroceridae | TBD |
Euspilotus sp. | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | TBD |
Geomysaprinus copei | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Gnathoncus sp. | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Haeterius tristriatus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | TBD |
Hister abbreviatus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Hister furtivus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | TBD |
Hister militaris | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Hypocaccus sp. | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Margarinotus harrisii | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Margarinotus pluto | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Margarinotus sp. | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Margarinotus umbrosus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Paromalus mancus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Platysoma leconti | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Platysoma punctigerum | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | C |
Plegaderus molestus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Plegaderus nitidus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Plegaderus sp. | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | TBD |
Psiloscelis subopaca | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Saprinus lugens | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | C |
Saprinus oregonensis | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Spilodiscus instratus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | C |
Xerosaprinus lubricus | Clown beetle, hister beetle | Insecta | Histeridae | P |
Hydraena nigra | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Hydraena pacifica | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | TBD |
Hydraena sp. | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Limnebius alutaceus | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Limnebius borealis | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Ochthebius cribricollis | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Ochthebius lineatus | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Ochthebius mimicus | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Ochthebius sp. | Minute moss beetle, cascade beetle | Insecta | Hydraenidae | P |
Ametor scabrosus | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Anacaena limbata | Minute mud-loving beetles | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Berosus sayi | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Cercyon quisquilius | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Cercyon sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Chaetarthria nigrella | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Crenitis morata | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Crenitis sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Cymbiodyta sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Enochrus diffusus | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Enochrus hamiltoni | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Georissus pusillus | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Helophorus sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Hydrobius fuscipes | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | C |
Hydrochus sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Hydrophilus triangularis | Giant water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Laccobius sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Paracymus sp. | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | TBD |
Sphaeridium bipustulatum | Spotted Dung Beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Sphaeridium lunatum | Spotted Dung Beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | C |
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides | Spotted Dung Beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Tropisternus lateralis | Water scavenger beetle | Insecta | Hydrophilidae | P |
Brachypterus sp. | Short-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Kateretidae | TBD |
Cryptolestes sp. | Line flat bark beetle | Insecta | Laemophloeidae | TBD |
Ellychnia corrusca | Winter Firefly | Insecta | Lampyridae | C |
Ellychnia hatchi | Diurnal firefly, Lightning bug | Insecta | Lampyridae | P |
Phausis rhombica | Firefly beetle | Insecta | Lampyridae | P |
Photinus obscurellus | Firefly beetle, Murky Flash-Train | Insecta | Lampyridae | P |
Photuris pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Firefly | Insecta | Lampyridae | TBD |
Pyropyga nigricans | Dark Firefly | Insecta | Lampyridae | P |
Cartodere nodifer | Swollen fungus beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | TBD |
Corticaria sp. | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | P |
Corticarina minuta | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | TBD |
Cortinicara gibbosa | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | TBD |
Enicmus fictus | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | P |
Enicmus sp. | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | TBD |
Latridius minutus | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | C |
Latridius sp. | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | P |
Melanophthalma sp. | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | TBD |
Stephostethus sp. | Minute brown scavenger beetle | Insecta | Latridiidae | TBD |
Agathidium sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Anisotoma sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Anogdus sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | TBD |
Catops basilaris | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Catops sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Colon sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Hydnobius sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Leiodes sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Macrohydnobius sp. | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | P |
Ptomaphagus nevadicus | Round fungus beetle | Insecta | Leiodidae | TBD |
Ceruchus punctatus | Stag beetle | Insecta | Lucanidae | C |
Platycerus depressus | Aspen Stag Beetle (Eastern) | Insecta | Lucanidae | M |
Platycerus marginalis | Aspen Stag Beetle (Western) | Insecta | Lucanidae | C |
Sinodendron rugosum | Rugose Stag Beetle | Insecta | Lucanidae | C |
Dictyoptera simplicipes | Red Net-winged Beetle | Insecta | Lycidae | C |
Dictyoptera sp. | Net-winged beetle | Insecta | Lycidae | TBD |
Plateros sp. | Net-winged beetle | Insecta | Lycidae | TBD |
Punicealis hamata | Red Net-winged Beetle | Insecta | Lycidae | P |
Zeugophora sp. | Megalopodid leaf beetle | Insecta | Megalopodidae | TBD |
Hallomenus sp. | False darkling beetle | Insecta | Melandryidae | TBD |
Serropalpus sp. | False darkling beetle | Insecta | Melandryidae | P |
Xylita laevigata | False darkling beetle | Insecta | Melandryidae | P |
Epicauta pruinosa | Burning blister beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | P |
Epicauta puncticollis | Punctured Blister Beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | C |
Epicauta sp. | Burning blister beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | P |
Lytta cyanipennis | Blister beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | C |
Lytta stygica | Green Blister Beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | P |
Meloe angusticollis | Short-winged Blister Beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | C |
Meloe niger | Black Meloe | Insecta | Meloidae | P |
Meloe sp. | Oil beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | P |
Nemognatha lutea | Orange Blister Beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | P |
Tricrania stansburyi | Stansbury's Blister Beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | C |
Zonitis vermiculata | Blister beetle | Insecta | Meloidae | TBD |
Amecocerus sp. | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Attalus sp. | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | TBD |
Axinotarsus pulicarius | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Collops sp. | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | TBD |
Dasytes cruralis | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Hoppingiana hudsonica | Hudsonian Dasytine | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Hypebaeus bicolor | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Listrus sp. | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Malachius aeneus | Scarlet Malachite Beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | C |
Malachius sp. | Soft-winged flower beetle | Insecta | Melyridae | P |
Hesperobaenus aeneus | Root-eating beetle, minute clubbed beetle | Insecta | Monotomidae | TBD |
Monotoma sp. | Root-eating beetle, minute clubbed beetle | Insecta | Monotomidae | TBD |
Rhizophagus dimidiatus | Root-eating beetle, minute clubbed beetle | Insecta | Monotomidae | C |
Rhizophagus remotus | Root-eating beetle, minute clubbed beetle | Insecta | Monotomidae | P |
Rhizophagus sculpturatus | Root-eating beetle, minute clubbed beetle | Insecta | Monotomidae | P |
Rhizophagus sp. | Root-eating beetle, minute clubbed beetle | Insecta | Monotomidae | P |
Mordella atrata | Tumbling Mourner Flower Beetle | Insecta | Mordellidae | P |
Mordella sp. | Tumbling flower beetle | Insecta | Mordellidae | P |
Mordellina pustulata | Tumbling Mourner Flower Beetle | Insecta | Mordellidae | TBD |
Mordellistena sp. | Tumbling flower beetle | Insecta | Mordellidae | P |
Mycetophagus californicus | Hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Mycetophagidae | P |
Mycetophagus sp. | Hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Mycetophagidae | P |
Typhaea stercorea | Hairy fungus beetle | Insecta | Mycetophagidae | TBD |
Cimberis sp. | Pine flower snout beetle, pine flower weevil | Insecta | Nemonychidae | P |
Brassicogethes aeneus | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Carpophilus sp. | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Epuraea linearis | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Epuraea monogama | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Epuraea sp. | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Epuraea truncatella | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | TBD |
Glischrochilus quadrisignatus | Four-spotted Sap Beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | C |
Glischrochilus sanguinolentus | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Glischrochilus sp. | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | TBD |
Glischrochilus vittatus | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Lobiopa setosa | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | TBD |
Meligethes atratus | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | TBD |
Nitidula sp. | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Omosita discoidea | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Soronia guttulata | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | TBD |
Thalycra sp. | Sap-feeding beetle | Insecta | Nitidulidae | P |
Calopus angustus | False blister beetle | Insecta | Oedemeridae | TBD |
Ditylus quadricollis | False blister beetle | Insecta | Oedemeridae | P |
Ischnomera excavata | False blister beetle | Insecta | Oedemeridae | C |
Xanthochroina bicolor | False blister beetle | Insecta | Oedemeridae | P |
Orsodacne atra | Ravenous Leaf Beetle | Insecta | Orsodacnidae | P |
Acrotrichis sp. | Feather-winged beetle | Insecta | Ptiliidae | P |
Ptenidium sp. | Feather-winged beetle | Insecta | Ptiliidae | TBD |
Ptiliolum sp. | Feather-winged beetle | Insecta | Ptiliidae | TBD |
Caenocara sp. | Puffball beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | P |
Ernobius sp. | Deathwatch beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | TBD |
Hadrobregmus sp. | Deathwatch beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | P |
Hemicoelus gibbicollis | Pacific Powder-post Beetle, California Deathwatch Beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | P |
Mezium affine | Shiny Spider Beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | TBD |
Ptinus sp. | Spider beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | P |
Trichodesma cristata | Deathwatch beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | P |
Xestobium sp. | Deathwatch beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | TBD |
Xyletinus sp. | Deathwatch beetle | Insecta | Ptinidae | TBD |
Dendroides ephemeroides | Fire-coloured beetle | Insecta | Pyrochroidae | P |
Pedilus sp. | Fire-coloured beetle | Insecta | Pyrochroidae | TBD |
Priognathus monilicornis | Dead log beetle | Insecta | Pythidae | TBD |
Pytho sp. | Dead log beetle | Insecta | Pythidae | TBD |
Ripiphorus californicus | Wedge-shaped beetle | Insecta | Ripiphoridae | P |
Ripiphorus mutchleri | Wedge-shaped beetle | Insecta | Ripiphoridae | P |
Aegialites sp. | Narrow-waisted bark beetle | Insecta | Salpingidae | TBD |
Elacatis sp. | Narrow-waisted bark beetle | Insecta | Salpingidae | P |
Salpingus sp. | Hippopomatus beetle | Insecta | Salpingidae | TBD |
Aegialia sp. | Scarab beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Agoliinus canadensis | Hide beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Agoliinus incommunis | Hide beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Agoliinus sp. | Hide beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Amphimallon majale | European Chafer | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Aphodius fimetarius | European Dung Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | M |
Aphodius pedellus | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Aphodius sp. | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | M |
Calamosternus granarius | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Caligodorus opacus | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Canthon simplex | Tumblebug, dung roller | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Chilothorax distinctus | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Cinacanthus hirsutus | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Cremastocheilus armatus armatus | Anteater scarab beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Cremastocheilus crinitus | Anteater scarab beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Diapterna sp. | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Dichelonyx backi | Green Rose Chafer | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Dichelonyx fulgida | Rose Chafer | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Diplotaxis brevicollis | Scarab beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Diplotaxis subangulata | Scarab beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Euphoria inda | Bumble Flower Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Glaresis medialis | Enigmatic Scarab Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Liothorax sp. | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Onthophagus nuchicornis | Small Black-and-brown Dung Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Otophorus haemorrhoidalis | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Pardalosus pardalis | Small dung beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Phobetus comatus | Hairy June Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Phyllophaga anxia | Forest-ogre June Beetle, Cranberry White Grub | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Polyphylla crinita | Long-haired June Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Polyphylla decemlineata | Ten-lined June Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Serica anthracina | June beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Serica curvata | Full June Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | TBD |
Teuchestes fossor | Gravedigger Dung Beetle | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | P |
Trichiotinus assimilis | Bee-mimic Beetle, flower chafer | Insecta | Scarabaeidae | C |
Contacyphon variabilis | Brown Marsh Beetle | Insecta | Scirtidae | P |
Cyphon sp. | Marsh beetle | Insecta | Scirtidae | M |
Elodes sp. | Marsh beetle | Insecta | Scirtidae | TBD |
Harthania concinna | Brown Marsh Beetle | Insecta | Scirtidae | P |
Anaspis rayi | False flower beetle | Insecta | Scraptiidae | TBD |
Anaspis rufa | False flower beetle | Insecta | Scraptiidae | P |
Anaspis sp. | False flower beetle | Insecta | Scraptiidae | P |
Pentaria fuscula | False flower beetle | Insecta | Scraptiidae | TBD |
Pentaria trifasciata | False flower beetle | Insecta | Scraptiidae | P |
Aclypea bituberosa | Burying beetle, carrion beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | P |
Heterosilpha ramosa | Garden Carrion Beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | C |
Necrodes surinamensis | Red-lined Carrion Beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | P |
Nicrophorus defodiens | Burying beetle, carrion beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | C |
Nicrophorus guttula | Yellow-bellied Burying Beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | C |
Nicrophorus hybridus | Burying beetle, carrion beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | P |
Nicrophorus investigator | Banded Sexton Beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | C |
Nicrophorus marginatus | Margined Burying Beetle, carrion beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | TBD |
Nicrophorus nigrita | Black Burying Beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | P |
Nicrophorus vespilloides | Lesser Vespillo Burying Beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | P |
Thanatophilus lapponicus | Burying beetle, carrion beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | C |
Thanatophilus sagax | Burying beetle, carrion beetle | Insecta | Silphidae | C |
Dendrophagus cygnaei | Silvanid Flat Bark Beetle | Insecta | Silvanidae | TBD |
Oryzaephilus mercator | Merchant Grain Beetle | Insecta | Silvanidae | TBD |
Oryzaephilus surinamensis | Sawtoothed Grain Beetle | Insecta | Silvanidae | P |
Aleochara castaneipennis | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Aleochara fumata | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Aleochara rubricalis | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Aleochara sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Atheta sp. | Vexing rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Athetalia sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Autalia sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Bolitochara sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Dimetrota sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Earota dentata | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Encephalus americanus | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Gnypeta sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Gyrophaena sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Lamiota sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Liogluta sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Myllaena sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Neothetalia sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Oxypoda sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Paradilacra densissima | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Placusa sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Pseudota sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Schistoglossa sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Silusa sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Stictalia sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Tachyusa sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Tarphiota sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | TBD |
Xenodusa reflexa | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | P |
Xenota sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae) | M |
Acrolocha sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Anthobium sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Eusphalerum sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Geodromicus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Hapalaraea sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Microedus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Olophrum sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Omalium sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Orobanus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Pelecomalium testaceum | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Phlaeopterus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Phloeonomus sp. | Protea rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Phloeostiba lapponica | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | P |
Phyllodrepa sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Unamis sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Omaliinae) | TBD |
Renardia nigrella | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Osoriinae) | TBD |
Oxyporus occipitalis | Cross-toothed rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxyporinae) | P |
Anotylus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxytelinae) | P |
Bledius sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxytelinae) | P |
Carpelimus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxytelinae) | P |
Ochthephilus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxytelinae) | TBD |
Oxytelus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxytelinae) | TBD |
Syntomium sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Oxytelinae) | TBD |
Lathrobium sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | P |
Lithocharis sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | TBD |
Lobrathium sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | P |
Medon sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | P |
Orus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | TBD |
Paederus littorarius | Whiplash rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | TBD |
Sunius sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Paederinae) | TBD |
Megarthrus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Proteininae) | P |
Proteinus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Proteininae) | TBD |
Reichenbachia sp. | Ant-loving beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Pselaphinae) | TBD |
Rybaxis sp. | Ant-loving beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Pselaphinae) | TBD |
Sonoma sp. | Ant-loving beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Pselaphinae) | TBD |
Pseudopsis sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Pseudopsinae) | TBD |
Scaphisoma commune | Shining fungus beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Scaphidiinae) | TBD |
Bisnius sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Cafius sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Creophilus maxillosus | Hairy Rove Beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | C |
Dinothenarus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Gabrius sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Heterothops sp. | Parasitic rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Ocyps sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Ontholestes cingulatus | Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Philonthus aurulentus | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Philonthus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Platydracus rutilicauda | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Quedius sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Staphylinus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | M |
Tasgius ater | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Staphylininae) | P |
Stenus sp. | Water skater beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Steninae) | P |
Bryophacis sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | TBD |
Bryoporus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | TBD |
Ischnosoma sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | TBD |
Lordithon fungicola | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Lordithon sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Lordithon thoracicus | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Mycetoporus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Tachinus angustatus | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Tachinus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Tachyporus nitidula | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Tachyporus rulomus | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | TBD |
Tachyporus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Tachyporinae) | P |
Trigonurus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Trigonurinae) | TBD |
Neohypnus sp. | Rove beetle | Insecta | Staphylinidae (Xantholininae) | TBD |
Cephaloon sp. | False longhorn beetle | Insecta | Stenotrachelidae | P |
Bius estriatus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Blapstinus substriatus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Coelocnemis dilaticollis | California Broad-necked Darkling Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Coniontis ovalis | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Corticeus praetermissus | Overlooked Darkling Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Corticeus substriatus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Eleodes granulata | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Eleodes hispilabris | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Eleodes humeralis | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | TBD |
Eleodes nunenmacheri nunenmacheri | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Eleodes obscura sulcipennis | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Eleodes pimelioides | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Eleodes rotundipennis | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Eleodes sp. | Desert stink beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Helops pernitens | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | TBD |
Helops punctipennis | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Hymenorus caurinus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Hymenorus sinuatus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Iphthiminus salebrosus | Serrated Darkling Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Iphthiminus serratus | Serrated Darkling Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Isomira comstocki | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Mycetochara procera | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Nalassus californicus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Nalassus convexulus | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Phaleromela picta | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Phaleromela variegata | Variegated Darkling Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | TBD |
Philolithus densicollis | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | TBD |
Platydema americana | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Platydema oregonensis | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | TBD |
Pseudocistela pinguis | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Tenebrio molitor | Yellow Mealworm Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Tribolium confusum | Confused Flour Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | P |
Tribolium sp. | Darkling beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | TBD |
Upis ceramboides | Roughened Darkling Beetle | Insecta | Tenebrionidae | C |
Eustrophopsis confinis | Polypore fungus beetle | Insecta | Tetratomidae | P |
Tetratoma concolor | Polypore fungus beetle | Insecta | Tetratomidae | P |
Pactopus horni | Small false click beetle | Insecta | Throscidae | P |
Trixagus carinicollis | Small false click beetle | Insecta | Throscidae | C |
Trixagus sericeus | Silken Throscid Beetle | Insecta | Throscidae | C |
Trox sp. | Hide beetle, Keratin beetle | Insecta | Trogidae | TBD |
Calitys scabra | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | P |
Corticotomus caviceps | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | P |
Peltis fraterna | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | TBD |
Peltis pippingskoeldi | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | P |
Peltis septentrionalis | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | P |
Peltis sp. | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | TBD |
Temnoscheila chlorodia | Pine Trogossid Beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | C |
Tenebroides sp. | Bark-gnawing beetle, cadelles | Insecta | Trogossitadae | P |
Thymalus marginalis | Bark-gnawing beetle | Insecta | Trogossitadae | TBD |
Aulonium longum | Cylindrical bark beetle | Insecta | Zopheridae | P |
Lasconotus sp. | Cylindrical bark beetle | Insecta | Zopheridae | TBD |
Lasconotus vegrandis | Cylindrical bark beetle | Insecta | Zopheridae | P |
Phellopsis porcata | Ironclad beetle | Insecta | Zopheridae | P |